National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel ‘Special Relationship’ Panel 4: “How did the ‘special relationship’ come to be?” | C-SPAN3, March 7, 2014
Against Our Better Judgment: How the US was used to create Israel Part 1, Part 2 | “Moral Politics” with Bill Alford, Seattle Community Media, July 29, 2014
“The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel” | “Talking Stick TV” with Mike McCormick, Seattle Community Media, August 1, 2014
“Palestine – Israel – the US, The Full Context” | Shaw TV, August 5, 2014
Alison Weir: Against Our Better Judgment | “Other Voices, Other Choices,” NY Cable Access TV, May 5, 2015
“Israeli-Palestinian conflict researcher visits B.U.” | Channel 34 News (Binghamton), May 13, 2015
Plot to bomb London was thwarted by heroic pilot | The Birmingham Post, July 13, 2014
Alison Weir’s book talks the other side of the Palestinian-Israeli debate by Cristina Garcia| Student Media at Florida International University, July 23, 2014
Fear and loathing: Palestinians pay the price of history by Lara Marlowe| The Irish Times, September 13, 2014
Author on history of U.S.-Israeli relations speaks tonight by Bill O’Driscoll| Pittsburgh City Paper, November 13, 2014
Author speaks on U.S./Israel relations by Teaganne Finn | The Finger Lakes Times, May 8, 2015
Rotarians hear critique of U.S. policy in Israel by Benji Rosen |Monadnock Ledger-Transcript, May 19, 2015
Alison Weir on her book “Against Our Better Judgment” | “Political Perspectives” with Per Fagereng, KBOO Community Radio (Portland, OR 90.7 FM), May 30, 2014
Palestinian-Israeli ceasefire ends: no justice in sight | “Political Perspectives” with Jenka Soderbergh, KBOO Community Radio (Portland, OR 90.7 FM), August 8, 2014
Alison Weir discusses her new book Against Our Better Judgment | “The Power Hour” with Joyce Riley, August 18, 2014
Interview No 2 with Alison Weir, Pres. of the Council for the National Interest, Author and Researcher | “Unspun” with Doug Bennett, KKRN Community Radio (Round Mountain, CA 88.5 FM), September 6, 2014
From Herzl to Obama: The dismal tale of ongoing US patronage of Israel (Audio) | Cii Broadcasting (Johannesburg, South Africa), September 9, 2014
Alison Weir on USS Liberty, Media & Movement Censorship | “Takes on the World” with Jeff Blankfort, A-Infos Radio Project, May 27, 2015